I am wondering whether it is possible to use a video as the slider background instead of an image?
It must be able to auto play.
Kind Regards
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Sorry but till now, our mega slider does not support background video. You can only set image as a background then add video to slider.
Thank you for coming back to me.
I see that your other theme Avendor supports a video slider. Would it be possible to install this slider onto this theme?
Kind Regards
Which theme you are asking for?
I do apologise I have gotten mixed up with forums.
The theme I am currently isn't done by you, but I have purchased several themes from you.
I was wondering if I could somehow use the dexp layer slider on another theme?
We can not support this case. Please contact with your theme author to find any solution.
That's fine, I have managed to resolve this problem.
Thank you for your time