When I purchased this theme, I contacted you first to find out if quick view of portfolio can be added for products and I was told that you will help me achieve this. please tell me how we can go about getting this done.
Also I have a problem, i love the way the filter for product is set but i have a lot of category and colors and was wondering if there is a way to show category as a drop down instead of check boxes and how I can get this done. I appreciate if you can help me on this.
thank you
Please send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts by comment form (remember to check "Private message" for security reason). We would like to help you.
Could you check your admin account for us again? We can not access by the account you gave.
1. quick view for product:
We built a demo of quickvew product at: http://seller.daterefined.org/product-quickview
There are thing we have done:
+ Drupal Config:
- Create QuickView Page: http://seller.daterefined.org/admin/structure/pages/edit/page-product_qu...
- Create QuickView View: http://seller.daterefined.org/admin/structure/views/view/products/edit/b...
+ Template Files:
- product_quickview (/themes/md_orenmode/template/views/products)
You could check and use these files to create similar things or edit/change base on which you would like.
2. about the filter:
a demo was built at: http://seller.daterefined.org/product-list-sidebar
What we did:
+ Drupal Config:
- Create Dropdown Categories: http://seller.daterefined.org/admin/structure/views/view/product_categor...
+ Template files:
- product_categories_dropdown (/themes/md_orenmode/template/views/sidebars)
- script.js (/themes/md_orenmode/js/front)
3. Important - none of the share button are set up properly
fixed it already, please check :)
1, about the filter:
At the momment, using checkbox means allowing multiple select option, if you would like to change to dropdown list, you must use single select option. Therefore, we still keep checkbox (in order to keep multiple check) and will edit/change CSS to have a scroll bar for saving area purpose in case there are many options in categories.
Please take a look at the following image:
2, share button:
we add function at demo: /product/penguin-daddy-o-polo, you could use code for other pages which you would like.
We have done the filter. And about code for share buttons, you could use for other pages, including blog as well.
i would like to configure links for share buttons in product display
Which function is that and where shall i put it...
i 've searched under /themes/md_orenmode/template/views/products, but i couldn't find anything... i am sorry...
thank you in advance
Please update
https://www.dropbox.com/s/yzaqcmeigpajpcv/field--field-product-gallery.t... to sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/fields
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3sxwi9i47q5pu1/node--product.tpl.php?dl=0 to sites/all/themes/md_orenmode/template/node
then clear cache.
thank you!
I have made these settings, but I when I try to share a product on Pinterest, I receive an error "Parameter 'image_url' (value http:null) is not a valid URL format" and i cannot continue...
Also, when I try to share on facebook, the image is followed with the "Information" field. Can i change that with the "Description" field?
the site's name is geespot.gr
Thank you in advance!
Could you send us some screenshots?
as you can see, I cannot share on pinterest and i would like to change the field "Information" appears with the image on facebook.
You can try it too... the site is live... geespot.gr
Thank you in advance!
About sharing on pinterest, we also do not know what reason is but in code share pinterest, we only use 2 parameters: description and title, we do not use image.
About sharing on facebook, we can not edit/ change description because facebook set it by default.
Thank you!
I 've tried to put this code:
&media=<?php render($content['product:field_product_gallery']); ?>
into node--product.tpl.php and after below code:
<a target="_blank" href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<?php print $base_url . "/" . drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $node->nid); ?>&description=<?php print $node->title; ?>
but, nothing so far....
It is critical for these buttons to be working. As of the fb button, it's ok, but for the pinterest button, i believe that there is something in the code triggering this error...
Please if you have any idea, i would appreciate it!
Thank you!
I added this script from pinterest in node-product.tpl.php:
async defer
It works! However, as you can see in the image below, i am having a problem with the alignment of the pin it button. Also it renders some other images from other products.
Thank you!
Please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment.
How about your admin account?
I have added new style for PIN IT button. It looks prettier now.
Thank you!