Hi, i'm trying to add a second main slider in my home page, but it seems that has some incompatibility with the first slider ... the second does not move and shows me all the images of the carousel on the screen.....any advise in how could i do it...
Thu, 02/11/2016 - 09:51
Please give me your website account. And tell me what the 2nd slider you want to add.
Can you please give me your FTP account? I need to check the code.
I have sent a slider module to your email. Please download and install it into your theme.
For this question, something else that just came out is and error with the FullCalendar library...all of a suden says its missing.. any idea?
=> Can you please explain it more? Or give me a screenshot. I am not clear with this question.
Khoa, thanks a lot...slider problem solved ;)
The "something else problem" is an error in the status report...attached image..
I ve tryed reinstalling pretty much every module associated with it... and any way keep showing me this error :(
Thank you very much !!
The picture says that the FULLCalendar library is missing. So you go to : sites/all/libraries and check whether it has 2 modules named moment and rooms_fullcalendar. If not you copy them from the source package.
That's all!
Hello again... it doest stop of showing tons of errors... I have tried to create a view and look at all these errors in the theme...
Can you please tell me which page did you receive those error messages?
Sorry but i deleted the page :( if something like it comes up again i´ll send it to you. Thanks a lot ;)
Do you have documentation about creating content types? im trying to duplicate the "Activity" category... but when i publish the page i m missing styles and tags etc... this is the page (http://webtest.marinador.com/es/vacaciones-con-ninos)
Thanks a lot Khoa for your time ;)
please take a look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iibPX5KBFu4 for instruction to create content type.