Hi suppor team,
How do I translate the blocks on the frontpage?
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Would you like to use multilingual website or only translate some blocks from English to another language?
I need a multilingual website and most of it is arleady translatable, but I have problems with the blocks you created with bean.
And I have problems to translate the forms and others part like:
So please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment. We would like to have a check then will give you some instructions to translate.
We get following error. Could you check again?
Good morning, how is it going? Could you find a solution?
Please check your site again. We can not access because of getting error at comment #9.
We enabled translation for all blocks BEAN. You could click "Translate" in each block then add your language.
Please check your site again.
Any news?
Did you import the language package for German? If not, please go to this link: https://localize.drupal.org/translate/languages/de and download the language file(Drupal Core) for Drupal 7(you are using Drupal 7).
Thank you!
Hi Khoa,
the package is now installed, but nothing has changed, the menu is still not working with both languages. And also the panels and the preset-forms are not translatable. What to do? I need to go online soon... Thanks for your help!
Please install this module: https://www.drupal.org/project/language_switcher. Then tell us it's okay or not
I just istalled it, but no changes so far...
It works.
+ http://hw-designs.de/Pitsidia/
+ http://hw-designs.de/Pitsidia/de
Thank you!
Great! :)
Now it is just the panels, the fields (Room Details...) and the forms (reservation...)
Thats a lot!
Please go to this link: http://hw-designs.de/Pitsidia/de/admin/config/regional/translate/translate to translate strings that still display as English.
Thank you!
Ok, that helps with the system and I guess with the forms, but how do I translate the headlines in the panels? And I could not find the fields of the content types in the list.
Please type strings into the input field of the page that I gave you. For examples: Override title, Room Overview, Amenities...
Please see this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S5bfxL-W4k
Ok, thanks! I will do that
Hi, I found many words / strings, almost all is working, thank you for helping me :) Very good support!!!
The last thing:
- I still can't find, where to translate the subtitles in the panels
Thanks again!!
Oh, I forgot to ask something: The pages with many images are loading very slowly, is there a way to change the pre load settings?
1. I still can't find, where to translate the subtitles in the panels
=> Please give me a screenshot.
2. Oh, I forgot to ask something: The pages with many images are loading very slowly, is there a way to change the pre load settings?
=> Do you mean that you want to turn on/off the preloading?
Hi Khoa,
when I load the site it takes about 7 sec, some pages even more. That is why I thought about the prelaoding. What do you thing about it?
And here is the sceenshot of the last piece, I could not translate yet ;)
1. Translating panels => please see the picture
2. Preloader => I don't think so. You can check on our demo. I think you should check your network, server. Or you can use Drupal Cache or use https://www.drupal.org/project/boost to enhance the performance.
Hi, I have tried the boost module, but still the pages are loading very slow. Can you please tell me, where I can edit the prelaod function? Maybe lazyload would be better. Thanks!
Please open scripts.js file(sites/all/themes/md_hillter/js/front), search for "#preloader" text.
Thank you!
Hi Megadrupal Staff,
I have the same problem with BEAN blocks, how can i activate translations for this blocks type?
Thank you
Could you send us your site account by private comment?
We access by the account but it does not have admin permission. Please set permission for this user.
Please download and install module at: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_translation (note: backup database and sourcecode before) then notify us.
Translation: done! Please go to BEANS blocks and translate.
Slider block: we checked but it seemed to work normally. Could you check again?
Sorry but you disable module Entity Translate, right? This module is the module that you helped us install yesterday, we also finished configuration for it. Please enable so we can check again.
We set permission again. Now, normal user can see slider too.
We enabled translation for Block Slider. Check please.
Hi Stefania16,
We fixed problem. Please check and try to translate again.
Okay, please try again. Thanks!
It works, thank you so much Khoa! :)
One more thing: when I select ENG language appears italian version of site. Do you know why?
I'm not clear at this point. Please give me more detail or screenshots.
Your website works fine. Please see two screenshots captured from your site
ENG: http://prnt.sc/enfq52
ITA: http://prnt.sc/enfq6p
I see this: http://prnt.sc/enfspe
but if for you is ok I trust :)
Can you please provide us a video how you work on site? Because as your image, site still has problem.
We tried to test on 2 different computers but can not see problem as in your video.
All versions work normally.