Error in CSS generator

Knud Frank's picture
Knud Frank
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 10:03
Error in CSS generator

I have found an error in the included file of the module:

When creating the CSS file you are placing the !important statement outside the actual CSS statement:

.md-layer-1-0-3 {z-index: 997} !important

The correct notation for this statement would be:

.md-layer-1-0-3 {z-index: 997 !important;}

To correct this I have changed the file in the following way:

*** 632,638 ****
              // Generate css for hover link
              if (isset($layer['link']) && is_array($layer['link'])) {
!                 $classes[] = ".md-layer-{$slider->slid}-{$index}-{$key} {z-index: {$layer["zindex"]}} !important";
                  $css = md_slider_generate_layer_link_css($layer['link']);
                  if ($css != '')
                      if ($layer['type'] != "text")
--- 632,639 ----
              // Generate css for hover link
              if (isset($layer['link']) && is_array($layer['link'])) {
!               // Corrected important markup
!                 $classes[] = ".md-layer-{$slider->slid}-{$index}-{$key} {z-index: {$layer["zindex"]} !important;}";
                  $css = md_slider_generate_layer_link_css($layer['link']);
                  if ($css != '')
                      if ($layer['type'] != "text")

It would help if you can correct this in the next release.

cindy's picture
Thu, 04/10/2014 - 23:41

Firstly, we want to offer our sincere thanks for your concern in our product and your contributive comment.
We will fix this in the next version.
Thanks again for your feedback. And should you have any suggestions/inquiries, please feel free to tell/ask us.
We'd love to hear from you.

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