Hi there, my problem is explained in title.
When I try to change the button url on a pricing table :
the same url is used on all products in edit mode,
when I save, url is not saved.
Many thanks beforehands for your help
Best regards
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment? We would like to have a check on your site.
Could you check again? We can not access your site because we get following error.
OK sorry can you try again ?
Now, we still can not access because error from captcha. Please check your captcha first.
Still cannot log in, we do not see any CAPCHA or question so we just enter the username and password and hit LOGIN button
But the warning still appears saying that the CAPCHA is not correct?
Sorry now I tried and it's working
Please check your email
Wonderfull with this new file it's working !
Many thanks