Some Questions in a nutshell

MoMo's picture
Tue, 12/29/2015 - 16:43
Some Questions in a nutshell

Hello Team,

I'm stuck to modify some part of the site and I need please your help. Below my questions:

1- I need to change the "about us/ Meet our team" region content (not the about us content type) but more the begining of the reigion text ( the title about us and the first paragraph). Where can I do that  please?

2- I'm adding more than 4 member of teams (by add content) however, I can see only 4. Is there a limitation? How can I bypass it please? I need this for my business.

3- I need to change the link. Instead of having #services, I need to put another link, where can I do that please? this is needed for SEO reasons and which should be much suitable for my product. where I can do that please?

4- when I click on the read more blog button, I get to the link http://localhost:8888/node/22 but the page is not found and it is not even displaying the default template of the default page. I have seen the issues raised in your blog but no answer directly. Everything was done on the sites of your customers. 

5- I have asked for a quote to add some other functionalities (Ubercart intgeration with responive design). Could you please revert to me privately? I need your magic touch to make my website perfect.



PS: I'm working on localhost, So I can't give you the link of my website. I did not choose the server host I'll use in the future. Is there any other operating model to support me please? Maybe export the site and the DB? Let me know what is convenient for you.

phuonght's picture
Thu, 12/31/2015 - 05:28


1,2 - Please go to /admin/structure/views/view/about_us/edit

  • "Edit view name/ description": "About Us"

  • "Display name": "Meet our team", description

  • "Pager" > "User pager": number of displaying items

3 - Please go to /admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu to edit or add more link

4,5 - Please send us your code and database so we can help you. We would like to take a note that Magnum has no product page by default so please work in your site first and describe detail what we can help to perfect it.
You could send by private comment or our support email: [email protected].

MoMo's picture
Thu, 12/31/2015 - 12:52

I have uploaded it in a server:

Let me know where I can send you the credentials. I'm adding also another issue. I'm starting testing on ipad and it is not at all working! I need please your support on a listed issues

Happy new year meanwhie :)

MoMo's picture
Fri, 01/01/2016 - 09:26

1 - 2 works fine. Many thanks for that. However for 3, I need to change the following:


the goal is to change #services to #order but still referencing the same region in your site.

I tried already to edit link but the path for all the menu links is <front>. How can I change the path to point to #order . I guess I have also to change the region link. I'm stuck on this. Sorry, I'm trying sending you requests after desperate trials...

I sent you by the way the privately a message. Let me know your feedback

MoMo's picture
Fri, 01/01/2016 - 18:02

I started please also adding more items in about us (more than 4) and when it is 8, the view does not work properly.

Test case:

CLick on occasion.

Pleae let me know exactly what you will do as change as I might work on localhost to do the same also.

Many thanks

MoMo's picture
Fri, 01/01/2016 - 18:06

Again also another bug, The background image of the blog is now showing me the picture of the front screen while this is not customizable. I would like to get back to the grey screen as it used to be before. How can we do that. This bug appears only in the following situation

appearance/settings/design/header and change to custom immage background. The header settings is impacting the blog also. I need please your support on this

MoMo's picture
Sat, 01/02/2016 - 18:03

Hello for occasion display issue (Thread number 5 in this blog post), I solved it. It is related to the qunatity of text you put in each item .

phuonght's picture
Sun, 01/03/2016 - 23:48

3 - please go to sites\all\modules\custom\md_magnum_module, file md_magnum_module.module and change/ edit link at line 537

4 -  please take a look and follow instruction at

5 - please send us link of section you use ubercart and describe which you would like to do with it by detail.

 About "image background": 

please add following css code to end of file style.css trong sites\all\themes\md_magnum\css

.blog-section {
position: relative;

MoMo's picture
Mon, 01/04/2016 - 17:33

for 3- 

I have changed in the md_magnum_module.moduel

'#options' => array(
                    '#home' => t('Home'),
                    '#Star_Packages' => t('Work'),
                    '#Star_Order' => t('Services'),
                    '#more-services' => t('More Services'),
                    '#myself' => t('Myself'),
                    '#about' => t('About'),
                    '#blog' => t('Blog'),
                    '#contact' => t('Contact'),
 but the links are still back to the old one. I have cleaned the cache but still I have the same URL. could you please guide me with more instructions.

For the background image, I have added the CSS but also I still get the baground image. What should I do more than changing the files please? Should I follow what described 4?

MoMo's picture
Mon, 01/04/2016 - 17:40

for 5, I'm writing a spec document explaining what I need. I'll forward that to you with the full details.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 01/04/2016 - 22:38

Please send us your FTP information and chek "Private message". We would like to fix problems for you.

MoMo's picture
Tue, 01/05/2016 - 14:15

Thanks Phuonght. Really Appreaciated. I have sent the credentials to [email protected]. Please let me know what I missed as steps as I might reproduce the same steps in localhost

MoMo's picture
Tue, 01/05/2016 - 16:52

Issue 4 is solved. Many thanks. We are down to only two open issues :) I'm waiting your feedback.

Meanwhile, I can just Thanks. You have a really great support guys

MoMo's picture
Mon, 01/11/2016 - 17:01

Hello Team, I have sent all the details for the ftp account. Let me know please if you need anything else to solve the remaining issues.

cindy's picture
Mon, 01/11/2016 - 21:34


We received your credentials already

We are working on your issue and will feedback you as soon as possible

Thank you for your patience!

cindy's picture
Mon, 01/11/2016 - 23:36

Hi again,

- Issue no. 3: After following steps in comment #9, you have to edit link and select region. Then you need to assign the block, which has the same id with the link, to your frontpage

Image title

- Blog section's background issue: fixed.

MoMo's picture
Tue, 01/12/2016 - 19:19

Thanks Cindy. I'm not really following you.

If I sum up, change as described in comment 9. 

update the menu link (which I see you have already done)

However, I do not see how I'll execute the following: "you need to assign the block, which has the same id with the link, to your frontpage"

For the moment, the menu links does not bring me to the region. 

phuonght's picture
Wed, 01/13/2016 - 03:54

Please go to sites\all\themes\md_magnum\template, open file page--front.tpl.php, find place where you would like to scroll down to when you click menu and replace ID with ID path changed in menu.

You could take a look for example: block FEATURED WORK (in region FEATURED WORK - admin/structure/block), ID was "work" but we changed to "star-order" so when you click menu "Order", it will go to there

MoMo's picture
Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:13

Perfect. All issues closed on this thread. Many thanks for your prompt and excellent support

MoMo's picture
Sun, 06/12/2016 - 18:45


I'm trying to change the links following the same procedure described above but it does not work:

Could you pleae kindly help me? I can't see how to solve it.

phuonght's picture
Sun, 06/12/2016 - 23:29


Because it is onepage type, link must be #xxx (with xxx: ID of section). You can use F12 to check, your section Occassions still has ID "Occassions" so link must be #Occassions.

MoMo's picture
Mon, 06/13/2016 - 17:50

Thanks for your answer. I thought the same and I followed the steps before as you can see in the link below:

but it did not work. I'm wokring on mac what is the equivalent of F12 please?

phuonght's picture
Tue, 06/14/2016 - 22:13

Please go to settings in safari> preference > tab advance, check option "show develop menu in menu bar". Then in safari, you just need to right click > inspect element.

MoMo's picture
Tue, 06/14/2016 - 18:19

I can see your point. Actually, let me list what I did, 

I changed the link and hence the id in 



'#star-order-test' => t('star-order-test')

and I changed accordingly the block to the new id:

sites\all\themes\md_magnum\template, open file page--front.tpl.php

<?php if($page['single_services']):?>
<!-- Services -->
<section class="services">
    <?php print render($page['single_services']);?>
<?php endif;?>

but I can see actually when inspecting the id, it is indeed not changed. Did I miss any step.

MoMo's picture
Tue, 06/14/2016 - 19:12

I got it. I'm using a sub theme. So my only issue is wih blog menu. insted of scrolling it sends me to the blog page. Could you please help. That should close all issues on this thread. Many thanks

phuonght's picture
Tue, 06/14/2016 - 23:16

When menu link is #blog, site will scroll down so please add link without #. Site will go to another page. 

MoMo's picture
Wed, 06/15/2016 - 17:44

Issues closed. All working indeed. Many thanks Phuonght.

Really appreciated your support

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