As I didn't get any reply in other thread, I am starting a new thread for this issue.
we changed the color to 'green' but in about page testimonial section its not changing, while checking I saw its inline style, any idea where I can change it?
again on the same page, how can I chagnge the percentage text, ie, we just need the title here no need to show 5% , 10% etc. if its necessary we will add it in the title, but no need to automatically append the % value there
1. How did you change color? We tried as below and it seemed to work normally:
Click "Edit node" ( right bottom )
Tab "Layout", seclect section "Testimonial" > "Background" > edit "Parallax Transparent", change color and save.
Please open file spb-custom-amazing-progress-render.tpl.php
(\sites\all\modules\custom\md_amazing_theme\shortcodes\amazing_progress\spb-custom-amazing-progress-render.tpl.php )
Line 8, remove:
- <?php print $md_data['content'][0]['value'];?>%
Save and clear cache.
Thank you :) One more silly issue, , how to change the <title> of the home page. ie, we want to remove 'multipage' from the title , we tried many thing like
changed site name in site information page.
changed metatag front page settings ie,
as front page is node, we also edited that page's meta tags to set title as just 'sitename'
nothing seems works, I wonder title is hard coded in some files?
Please go to admin/content to edit/ change:
it seems like you didn't understand the question. I didn't ask for title change, even if we made change that title is displayed there. we want to remove the title from the front page, and only show the site name. the current home page display pattern
page title | site name
we only want site name display there. no need for page title.
in the above post it says how to edit it, even if we edit it the best solution we can create a title with value 'space' as title is a required field, in that case, it will become | sitename , again It won't remove the '|' from that page,
I hope you get the question,
I tried, to change the meta tag - title configuration and changed pattern to display just sitename, but its not working.
Kind Regards
Please open file html.vars.php (sites\all\themes\md_amazing\theme\system\html.vars.php)
Below line 12