webform into awe content

ekkljs's picture
Sat, 10/24/2015 - 22:57
webform into awe content

Is it possible to insert a webform into awe content?

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 05:10


If your webform is set as a block, you can drag drop it in Awecontent.

EdBoon's picture
Mon, 12/21/2015 - 08:13

Hi Cindy, I have set my custom webform as block inside the awecontent, but it is showing twice and I can't set custom css.


Ed Boon


phuonght's picture
Mon, 12/21/2015 - 22:10

Hi Ed Boon,

please go to config webform in tab Form setting (node/xxx/webform/configure - with xxx is node id of webform), in "ADVANCED SETTINGS ", check Available as block.
then go to awecontent, webform will display as a block, you could drag drop it normally.

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