Hello. I purchased MD Mega Menu last night and installed it successfully. However, I can only get it to work with JQUERY 1.5 I'm running 1.10 and have switched to JQUERY 1.5 when logged in as admin. Will this effect how my menu is seen by visitors? Do you have a patch or upgrade that works with JQUERY 1.10?
Tue, 12/15/2015 - 07:55
Could you describe exactly which problem is? Can not edit, add items or problem with menu in frontend?
The layout is completely off. Cannot edit (drag, drop, enter text in fields,etc). Basically completely useless with JQUERY 1.10. But if I drop JQUERY to 1.5 it works perfect. So I currently have JQUERY 1.5 for Alternate jQuery version for Administrative Pages which allows me to use MegaMenu. My first question is will this effect how the menu performs for a visitor to my site? And my second question is, when will JQUERY 1.10 support be added? This is a slight issue because I have other modules that will not perform with JQUERY 1.5 and it is an inconvenience switching between the versions just to admin the website. Thanks for your help!
Regarding your questions:
1. The perform of Megamenu (for a visitor) won't be affected (because Megamenu works with jquery 1.4.4 => 1.11)
2. Megamenu only breaks (admin interface, create/delete/edit menu) if it conflicts with jquery at backend. To solved this problem, you need:
+ Run update.php
+ Check again after run update.php to see if it works
+ If not, please use JqueryUpdate version 3.0https://www.drupal.org/project/jquery_update
+ Config version theme admin (seven) 1.4.4
After all those solution, if it still doesn't work, just send us your credentials (site url, admin account + FTP account) we will check and fix your issue
Ok I may be a bit confused because you say to do the update and then config JQUERY for version 1.4.4/ Why would I go to 1.4.4 if I am already using MegaMenu at 1.5?