Hide author and date information from blog

jonathasmello's picture
Sun, 12/06/2015 - 07:37
Hide author and date information from blog

I need to hide author and date info from the blog part of the website. Despite having unchecked all "display author", including in content type, the information keeps in display. Please help? http://proj.tmitapp.com/stage/


phuonght's picture
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 05:31


We will check and reply ASAP :)

cindy's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 06:01


Please open file node--blog.tpl.php

and remove line 21, 22, 23

<div class="post-meta"> By
<?php print $node->name;?> on
<?php print date('F d,Y',$node->created);?> in
<a href="<?php print $content['field_blog_category'][0]['#href'];?>">
<?php print $content['field_blog_category'][0]['#title'];?>

jonathasmello's picture
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 10:49

Perfect, thank you very much!

cindy's picture
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 06:07


  1. To edit Meet our team please go to structure > view > about us - edit (/admin/structure/views/view/about_us/edit) --> Display name:Meet our team.

To edit Single services please go to structure > view > single services - edit (admin/structure/views/view/single_services/edit) --> Display name:Single Services

To edit About Us please go to structure > view > about us - edit (/admin/structure/views/view/about_us/edit) --> edit view name/description

2. Please give us your admin account to check your issue

3. To display more items in Team part, please go to structure > view > about us - edit (/admin/structure/views/view/about_us/edit) --> Pager - 4 items

phuonght's picture
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 02:38

- the 4th problem, please go to file style.css,

line 1135, 


background-position: center center;

- and bout 2nd problem, please go to file main.js,

from line 14 to line 31


$('.menu-nav li:first-child').addClass('current');
currentClass: 'current',
changeHash: false,
scrollSpeed: 750,
scrollThreshold: 0.5,
filter: '',
easing: 'swing',
begin: function() {
//I get fired when the animation is starting
end: function() {
//I get fired when the animation is ending
scrollChange: function($currentListItem) {
//I get fired when you enter a section and I pass the list item of the section


$('.menu-nav li:first-child').addClass('current');
currentClass: 'current',
changeHash: true,
scrollSpeed: 750,
scrollThreshold: 0.5,
filter: '',
easing: 'swing',
begin: function() {
//I get fired when the animation is starting
end: function() {
//I get fired when the animation is ending
scrollChange: function($currentListItem) {
//I get fired when you enter a section and I pass the list item of the section

in case it still does not work, you could share us yout FTP infomation, we would like to help you fix it.

phuonght's picture
Sun, 12/13/2015 - 23:13

Because we could not access by FTP account so we give your some instructions:

- "Home" label problem:

  • Please open site/all/themes/md_magnum/js/main.js

  • Find line 14 :

$('.menu-nav li:first-child').addClass('current');
  • Delete it or insert "//" before .

Save and clear cache.

- Parallax image problem:

Please go to theme setting, tab "Custom code", in "Custom CSS Code" insert following:

#pr3-slider.backslider .bs-slides img {
top: 0px!important;

and we would like to note that for a better displaying image, you could change / edit height of block parallax by going to theme settings, tab "Design" > "Parallax", in "Parallax size" choose "Custom" then set "Custom Height" 

jonathasmello's picture
Mon, 12/14/2015 - 18:22

Great! Thank you very much!

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