I am using flexible layout in my pnael based page but it seems it is rendering as a ingle column only
Sun, 11/15/2015 - 12:03
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URL for the panel page :: http://group-prod-workflow.pantheon.io/designer-institution/center-fashi...
creds: testadmin/1234
FTP: I havde already Khoa Tran [email protected] on my pantheon site
We need to verify the licensce key first
It seems that you have 2 websites, in which our theme Orenmode is being used, right?
Following the license standard from Codecanyon, one regular license can only be used for one single end product
That's why we want to clarify if you purchase one license but use for 2 websites or not?
I am using it for boutiquesoncart.com this is the main live site.
Rest of the URLs as I am using above, are my development environment. as I am using pantheon for the development , so I create more than one devlopment environment for the testing different features.
There is an instruction for you:
Because Flexible Panel has single column by default, if you would like to use more columns, you need to override panel template for the panel that you create or use other layouts instead of Flexible.
You could take a look at below link also:
But other theme supprt this out of the box.
Actually, it is very simple. You just need change/ edit layout then panel will have 2 columns then use your own CSS to customize.
If you feel it is difficult to use panel so we recommend that you could take a look at our MD Awecontent.
Will this Awecontent will hookup nicely with orenmode theme, or do i need to do some manual work there
Actually I try to have pannel for organic group in my excommerce site.
Actually I do understand the basic concepts here, but the problem is I have created a 2 column flexible layout(I want right column for 25% instead of 50%). And i populaged with content, but with orenmode theme the same page shows in single column, but if swtich back something vanila as bartik theme same page comes with the layout i mentioned in panels.
so it seems your theme not showing the flexible layout based panels properly
Flexible Panel by default has single column. For each panel, user will create template file and name it following panel's machine name.
You can take a look at:
+ https://www.drupal.org/node/1678810
+ https://www.drupal.org/node/1178334
And about Awecontent, it is a module that allows user spit column, drag drop blocks (Dupal blocks) and shortcodes (built by users). Awecontent is easier and simpler to use than panel.
does it allow tokens and views just like panel based page manager, or it is just for basic page
In Awecontent, each page is considered as one node. Node can be owned by any content type which enables awecontent. Our awecontent allows user set layout directly and preview. After spliting layout, you can drag drop default objects of awecontent, Drupal blocks, field of content type.
Please take a look at demo: http://demo.awecontent.com/drupal7/user and description at: http://codecanyon.net/item/md-awecontent-page-builder-for-drupal/1247698...