The maps marker is clickable but nothing happens when you try to click it. I would like to add a pop-up box with information on company, address, phone number etc. Have found a description at google but this method does not work in your tailored script. Can you pls tell me what needs to be added and where?
To add info box:
- Open file views-view-field--field-webform-location.tpl.php (md_max/templates/views/contact)
- Below line 37 ( map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);), insert the following code:
You also could take a look at: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/infowindow-simple
for customizing infobox.
I tried to insert above code below line 37 and the map went blank.
I tried the solution at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/inf...
before reporting the problem but it did not work. Hence my question re. how to do it :)
Please check your map.
To change your information:
- Open views-view-field--field-webform-location.tpl.php (md_max/templates/views/contact)
- Edit information at line 63 - "Your custom HTML : Your company Info"
Awesome, thanks VERY much! :)