I've discovered a problem with portfolio link function embedded in view/section.
- when clicking the imager in center (cross-hair) the selected page opens and you get next/previous & close function on top of page
- when clicking item title (below cross-hair) the top navigation is
I would expect behavior to be identical whether one selects image on-click or title below.
Also, where can I expand the mouse-over field on the image?
Thanks in advance
- About behavior:
Which behavior would you like to use? In our theme, it is set to open "quick-view" when clicking image center and go to detailed content when cliking title. If you choose one of them, your site can have no "quick-view" or detailed content of portfolio.
- Expand mouse-over field:
If you would like to expand mouse-over field, there is an instruction for you:
Open block view Max_portfolio_col_4 (md-max/admin/structure/views/view/max_portfolio_col4/edit), default is col 4, if you are using col 3 or col 2, please open corresponding block.
In FIELDS, add a new field "Content: Path", move it to above of "Global Custom Text"
Click "Content: Path", uncheck "Create a label". In Style setting, check "customize filed HTML" then edit HTML Element to NONE. Check "Customize field and label wrapper HTML" then edit Wrapper HTML element to NONE. Uncheck "Add default classes"
Edit "Global Custom Text": edit part [field_portfolio_image] to
<a href="[path]" class="project-link portfolio-zoom">[field_portfolio_image]</a>
I haven't been able to get this to work. There was no content path option in fields>add fields.
The ideal feature would actually be a combination of the two for both image and text link.
A detail view (as when clicking text link) but with the top navigation bar as when clicking image.
Please check your site and see if it works :)
Perfect! Case closed thanks :)