PHP fatal error after updating drupal media module

stardot's picture
Sun, 10/11/2015 - 11:47
PHP fatal error after updating drupal media module


I am getting the following php fatal error after updating the "media" module :

PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in /modules/simplr_page_builder/simplr_page_builder.module on line 405

Please advise asap. I see this fatal error is referenced in other similar themes on mega drupal and you have sent a fixed file, I'd prefer an emailed fix to my email instead of FTP access if possible.


cindy's picture
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 00:22


Please check your mail for the file

stardot's picture
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 08:23

works! thanks!

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