I've noticed my slides no longer continue scrolling when I'm viewig another tab in the browser. As a result I'll return to my Mega Slider page where no content apart form the BG image is being displayed. Is there a setting for this I've overlooked or would this be a JS conflict somewhere? Here's my website – http://www.gsquared.com.au/
Tue, 02/04/2014 - 18:05
Please clarify your question or take screenshots and send them for us to check.
Sorry if my question isn't clear. Please use this screenshot for reference.
So when the page has loaded and I open a new tab in the browser the loading bar doesn't continue to progress. Thus when I return to my page the slider shows the slide without it's content.
We now understand your problem. However, we check your site, open in a new tab or even new window, it shows that your site still works fine. The content of the slides still displays.
No it doesn't. Look at the sample image here. It's only showing the background image, there's no text/content showing up.
We see your issue. Could you set the animation time again? or give us your account via cindy@megadrupal.com to check your site,
I've adjusted various settings including the animation time and it's still not working. Apparently this is a known bug, when can we expect a fix for this?
Please give us your account via cindy@megadrupal.com to check your site
I have been advised from higher management that we can't provide you with login details unfortunately. Please just direct me to the required settings we need to change.
We understand your secret-keeping regulations. We will continue working on your issue; however, it might take several days to fix it. Please be patient.