Hi ,
I am trying to use seach index based to use faceted search pages for my collection and taxonomy pages. but you havent provided any template for teaser display for products I am unable to create a view using similar display .
Can you let me know should be my strategy for view so that I can get the grid similar to http://www.boutiquesoncart.com/collection-grid-sidebar
Please go to admin/structure/views/view/products/edit/block_7, this view is there.
And the template file is at: md_orenmode/template/views/products/product_grid_sidebar.
I have created a view and added it to the collection
I am using the same template but I cant get the image displayed
new template file is at
sites\all\themes\md_orenmode\template\boutiquesoncart indexed pages\v3
the view I am using is at http://dev-prod-workflow.pantheon.io/admin/structure/views/view/master_p...
Please advise
Please give us your site url, and FTP account also,
We will check your issue
Could you tell us which folder contains following template files:
+ views-view--master-product-view--block-1.tpl.php
+ views-view-unformatted--master-product-view--block-1.tpl.php
+ views-view-fields--master-product-view--block-1.tpl.php
Please give us link of it.
sites\all\themes\md_orenmode\template\boutiquesoncart indexed pages\v3
link shared
Please check again. We fixed problem already
thanks alot
I can see that the product are displayed propely, but when i click on the view or add to cart icon in the page , it doent do anything, it just stays on
We checked and found reason.
When you created new views, some fields were missing, then you could see that problem.
Please take a look at an exiting view (admin/structure/views/view/products/edit/block_7) and template files of that view in folder md_orenmode/template/views/products/product_grid_sidebar/v1
to know how it works.