Updating mega slider removes it from the site

Chewtoy77's picture
Sat, 09/05/2015 - 13:07
Updating mega slider removes it from the site


I originally received MD Slider with a theme from Neptune Themes (since gone out of business), and have been loving it.  

Recently, though, it stopped allowing me to add images to the slider, and I purchased a copy from Mega Drupal to perform an update.

Following the directions, I updated Media, and File Entry.  Ctools did not need to be updated, as it is currently at version 7.x-1.9

Then I copied the md slider directory to sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider, as the site would nut update through the browser interface.

Unfortunately, this seems to have removed the slider from the site.

You can see a version of the site at granitize.mitchtracy.com without the update, and a version with the updated MD Slider at granitize3.mitchtracy.com

Can you tell me what I should do to troubleshoot this?

Thank You!

Update: I've given up on keeping my original slider code, it was not that complex anyway.  But now when I create a new slider, I can only create ine slide background, and then I can't add text or pictures to it, or create any other slides.  If we could solve this problem, then I should be good to go.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 09/07/2015 - 05:45


Could you tell us that you updated from which version of Media to which one?

And please send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts? We would like to have a check.

Please send by comment form and remember to check "Private message" for security reason.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 09/08/2015 - 05:46

Please check accounts again. We can not access by information that you sent.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 09/08/2015 - 23:52

Please run update.php then check if it works :)

Chewtoy77's picture
Wed, 09/09/2015 - 01:13

That was odd, I ran Update.php and got the attached reponse, but now tha slider works!  Can you tell me why?

Image title

Thank You!

phuonght's picture
Wed, 09/09/2015 - 03:19

Just because new version of mega slider has some updated functions, when updating you forgot running update.php so problem appeared.

And about error in your attached image, please check module backup migrate.

Chewtoy77's picture
Thu, 09/10/2015 - 11:09

hey, got a question, it seems that the media update broke CKeditor, and now I can't update the site's content.  So my question, is media really a must have update for the slider, or a nice to have?


phuonght's picture
Fri, 09/11/2015 - 05:43

Which version of media is in use on your site? Our mega slider still works well with media ver 1.4. 

Could you describe more your problem?

Chewtoy77's picture
Fri, 09/11/2015 - 09:33

I updated to version 7.x-2.0-beta1

Got this error https://www.drupal.org/node/2455391

Have since commented out the code in media, checking for a more permanent fix, I might be OK w/Mega Slider now.  But you should know about the issue in case someone else asks.

Thanks for all the great help, you guys are the best!

rbaub's picture
Fri, 09/11/2015 - 13:21

I have installed the update then run drush to update my drupal install and I ran update.php as well.  My slider disappeared from the home page it was on but I can see it in the Admin area where the slider is configured and it is correct there, I have re-saved it with no change.

phuonght's picture
Sun, 09/13/2015 - 22:36

Hi Rbaub,

Please send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts by comment form and remember to check "Private message" for security reason. We would like to have a check on your site.

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