i changed the currency to chf, but the minicart shows whren empty only $
Sun, 08/16/2015 - 05:27
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Could you send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts (forum link as well) to our support email: [email protected]?
We would like to have a check.
site http://makeup-artist-academy.ch/
Cant send the ftp
That is your template code
global $user;
$quantity = 0;
$order = commerce_cart_order_load($user->uid);
if ($order) :
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
$line_items = $wrapper->commerce_line_items;
$quantity = commerce_line_items_quantity($line_items, commerce_product_line_item_types());
$total = commerce_line_items_total($line_items);
$currency = commerce_currency_load($total['currency_code']);
<!-- MINI CART -->
<div class="mini-cart ">
<!-- HEADER CART -->
<div class="cart-head"> <label><?php print t('My cart'); ?> <span>(<?php print format_plural($quantity, '1', '@count'); ?>)</span></label>
<?php if($quantity > 0): ?>
<p><span><?php print t('Total'); ?>:</span> <?php print commerce_currency_format($order->commerce_order_total['und'][0]['amount'], $order->commerce_order_total['und'][0]['currency_code']); ?></p>
<?php else : ?>
<p><span><?php print t('Total'); ?>:</span> <?php print '$'.$quantity; ?> </p>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="cart-cn">
<?php print $content ;?>
<!-- END MINI CART -->
got it!
Have you had solution for this problem?
Can you explain me what you actually changed to make the currency shown after total amount configurable ?
In my case, 2 currencies (EUR and USD) will be set available by installation of the Multicurrency module and enabled currency switcher block.
If user switches to EUR the field $order->commerce_order_total['und'][0]['currency_code'] should also be update to €.
I followed this screencast on commerceguys to have product unit prices changed via Rules :
but this soluition only partially works.
Thanks upfront.
Hi Paradoxx,
We are not very clear about your question but mini cart code is in file block--commerce-cart--cart.tpl.php (md_orenmode/template/blocks)
You can customise as your wish in that file
Or you can use this module https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_multicurrency (of course you need to make some configuration)
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for your reply..
I already installed multicurrency module, but it is reacting inconsistently, both on product pages as mini-cart.
I am showing you a short screencast how mini-cart is reacting on currency change :
1) USD selection is changing mini-cart to EUR, and vica versa
2) as you can see, it is not always reacting on the Component Rule i setted up using this guide : https://commerceguys.com/blog/commerce-module-tuesday-commerce-multicurr...
So maybe, i have to use another variable then the one now used in the block--commerce-cart--cart.tpl.php, which is $order->commerce_order_total['und'][0]['currency_code']. What's your suggestion ?
+ We made a demo for you. Please go to Product View > New Arrival, Click on field Price and choose the 2nd opdtion: Display the calculated sell price...
+ Please see the demo image. (Same to others)
+ When you change the currency, its symbol will be changed, too
Ok thank you very much ! That was really helpful.
About the mini-cart price and currency update after user switched currency :
I noticed and also previously reported to you that the total price was not updated or updated inconsistently.
I found some reason for that :
It looks like the rules i've been setting up to update commerce-price field in commerce-line-item product references is being executed asynchroniously.
If you wait a few seconds (maximum around 5) and refresh the page, the mini-cart is updated and recalculated correctly based on the new selected currency.
See also my mail about another node-product.tpl issue i solved regarding this currency switcher.
For your information, i am also starting to get this currency switcher properly working for anonymous users in cached site modus, following this drupal thread:
Please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account
We want to check this
(remember to check "private message" for security reason)
Hi Cindy,
I am busy copying the site to another hosting environment for testing purposes. Having some issues with database export/import.
As soon as it is solved, i will notify you with the login credentials..
Thanks upfront!
Hi, do you have any idea what this error means ?
I am unable to import my exported database which origines from the orenmode_install_profile.
I remember there were some issues with corrupted fields in the beginning of setting up my orenmode development environment.
Could this be related ?
Please check max allowed packet:
max_allowed_packet value to more than 3M (in mysql config my.ini file)
Note: If you meet an error after install (Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception…), just change max_allowed_packet value to more than 3M (in mysql config my.ini file), it will work well (commerce module is heavy so it needs more resource).
Thanks for your feedback.
I managed to import the database succesfully now. Apparently the error above had nothing to do with the size or amount of data to import.
I tried to split up the sql using this handy tool :
and imported the sql slices separately afterwards, but the error was already given on the first slice import, where the databases are declared and the SET_CHARACTER_SET was applied.
So, I just used regular phpMyAdmin database import on the exported sql zip file and it went well.
For the currency issue, you can have a look at this duplicated installation :
I have send login credentials to [email protected]
Thanks upfront for your support!