There are several files declared in the supplied CSS files that are not included in the theme. They may not be used but if they are in the CSS then broken link analysis still show them as missing. They should either be added to the theme or removed from the CSS to make things cleaner.
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
error code: 404 (not found), linked from page(s):
We would like that you can check something for us:
1, please check if those files exit in folder or not.
2, check if they can directly opened by url link
For example: on browser page url, instead of, use
3, check those files' permission.
I am not having an issue per se since I don't use those file but I was just letting you know they were not included in theme I downloaded. Before I do any checking would you look at the theme and see if you included the files?
Of course before giving you a reply, we checked our package theme first. In our package, those files are all included in.
Maybe when you copied, they were missing.
If you package does not have them, we can send those files to you in case you need in the future.
Thanks for your reply.
LIke I said I don't need them right now. I was just letting you know they were not in my Drupal package.
I need to figurre out my IIS, script problem, in my other post, before I do anything else.
We are working on it. Please send us your information so we can check problem for you.