I Iinstalled MD Amazing on GoDaddy hosting and noticed that I cannot really edit any pages because Page Builder isn't responding to clicks on its buttons.
Also, I'm unable to edit the front page. Tried to remove some blocks from there and could only do it by disabling views, since Page Builder isn't displaying correctly. All its buttons are pushed to the bottom of the screen and also do not respond.
It's a first time I'm dealing with Page Builder, so chances are I may be missing something. Could you please, point me to the right direction here.
Also, I think it's related, but for the roles that have Page Builder components displayed on the page, preloader isn't switching to the site. Works fine for anonimous user though.
Could you send us your site url, admin account (forum link as well) via email: [email protected]?
We would like to have a check.
We're having the same problem.
When logged in to drupal and navigating to a page, the following error occurs 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null'. The Simplr PageBuilder doesn't show correctly and isn't working at all.
Drupal installation was done using 'Install using demo profile'. The drupal core has been upgraded to version 7.39 (from 7.37 or 7.38) using Drush.
More info on this error:
main.js:46 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of nullRg @ main.js:46Fh @ main.js:55Drupal.behaviors.md_map.attach @ md_map.js:28(anonymous function) @ drupal.js:76v.extend.each @ jquery.min.js:2Drupal.attachBehaviors @ drupal.js:74(anonymous function) @ drupal.js:481v.Callbacks.l @ jquery.min.js:2v.Callbacks.c.fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2v.extend.ready @ jquery.min.js:2A @ jquery.min.js:2
Please give us your site url, admin account and FTP account by commenting here (just check "private message" for security)
We wil check your issue
Hi Kthusid,
Check your site please. We just fixed prblem :)