Hi everyone !
I have just installed the demo version of MD Thenews.
Here: http://www.lex-publica.fr/
Could someone please tell me why the main menu and subemnus are so uneven?
First item of menu (Home) and first item of any submenu are out of line.
it's the error when update new superfish module. Please extract attached file and replace sites/all/themes/md_thenews/css
sorry for this inconvenience
The error has been fixed.
Many thanks!
Had the same problem. The style.css fixes it! Thanks!
Kind regards,
Hi I am having the same problem, where is the attachment?
I would like that updated css too (maybe you can add it to the downloadable files linked to the theme.. I've now had to revert to using the superfish module and libraries that come with the md_thenews profile, meaning I can never update until the theme is fixed.