Popup features, portfolio view

Renat's picture
Tue, 04/08/2014 - 04:49
Popup features, portfolio view

Hello! Is it possible to open html page with content instead of image or video as we click on portfolio work screenshot? Or could you advice how to do it? Thank you.

cindy's picture
Fri, 04/11/2014 - 05:10

Firstly, thanks for your concern in our product.
Please check your email

malbuchh's picture
Tue, 06/02/2015 - 03:55

I would be also interested in the answer,



cindy's picture
Tue, 06/02/2015 - 05:25

Hi Malbuchh,

Please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account to [email protected] (also this forum link)

We will customise for you

Or you can customise portfolio with our MD Portfoilo http://codecanyon.net/item/md-portfolio-prime-drupal-grid-solution/9744557

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