We note that all of the images attached to slides that are uploaded for MD Slider are uploaded to the root of the default Drupal files directory.
We would like to have the images uploaded to a subdirectory for ease of maintenance.
Can the file storage directory be made a configurable setting?
Currently our module does not support that function yet becuase there are also some problem with media module https://www.drupal.org/node/2363897
We will wait until that problem is solved then considering your request
I believe that Drupal issue is involved with a widget that allows per-file destination setting.
Our interest is limited to a global setting for a destination directory that would would apply to all uploaded images.
Currently, it is Drupal default
You can see the setting here: admin/config/media/file-system
Test upload file here: file/add
And as we said, our module is built base on media, that's why we cannot support if media has not supported yet