Hello there,
I really like your module but I am having problems adding another field...
In the Content Type "Portfolio", I added the field "YouTube Field" from this module (https://www.drupal.org/project/youtube)...I also added it in the respective View. The video Thumbnail is shown in the grid but the problem is that it messes up everything - the filter option and the hover effect - see here http://neu.olesya-golovneva.com/media.
I would actually like everything (pic and vids) to open in the lightbox your module offers in "Meet the theme" - Using pictures only it's not a problem - only the video messes it up...
Isn't it possible to add video content? Or did I do a mistake in the configurations?
Hope you can help me!
You can add youtube, vimeo video và souncloud which will display in detail node content of a porfolio item
However, video can not display as a gallery thumbnail