Loading sliding screen

stardot's picture
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 12:16
Loading sliding screen

How exactly would it be to completely disable the "loading" screen that slides down and up on every single page? I find it somewhat unnecessary especially since I'm optimizing all my graphics and putting varnish cache in front of the site.

How do I cleanly disable the loading screen?

cindy's picture
Mon, 03/09/2015 - 23:28


Do you mean that you want to disable preloader in all pages except Homepage, right?

stardot's picture
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 14:38

I want the ability to disable it across the board. If you can tell me how to disable it everywhere or per-page, that would be most helpful.


cindy's picture
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 00:04


So please send us your site's url, admin account and FTP account to [email protected] (also this forum link)

We will create a demo for you

stardot's picture
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 16:22


I dont need a demo, i just need high level instructions to disable the loading screen , for example "edit this .js file , comment out lines 200-300". or "add this class to your style.css".

Please simply give me an overview of how to disable.

cindy's picture
Fri, 03/13/2015 - 03:48


Please open file style.css and add the following code at the bottom of the file

body.front .ip-header {
display: none;

 .front is the class of tag HTML body. In homepage, the class of body is front. In other pages, there will be other class of the body

stardot's picture
Fri, 03/13/2015 - 09:26

works perfect - thanks!

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