Is it possible to have Css per layer?

sahil80's picture
Sun, 02/15/2015 - 10:34
Is it possible to have Css per layer?

in our slides we need to show hide some of the content if it is a mobile device? is this possible?

In another slider we achieved it by assigning css classes to individual layers. so while using bootstrap we could simply assign .visible-lg to make some layer visible and hide all others

however in this MD Slider i cannot seem to find out if its possible to assign css class to a layer

any help is appreciated


cindy's picture
Tue, 02/24/2015 - 05:23


Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestion. We are really appreciated

MD Slider currently does not support that function. We will consider this in the next function. However, to show or hide text, you can take reference here:

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