Drupal Notice generated by the MD Slider in the Log

petera's picture
Fri, 02/20/2015 - 10:00
Drupal Notice generated by the MD Slider in the Log

I am the Web Developer at Princeton Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University and we purchased a licence for the MD slider for our Drupal7 Website (pni.princeton.edu). I noticed that, in the Log message of the Drupal Admin, a notice is generated for the MD slider every time the front page is accessed (where the MD slider is) and I want to fix it.

The Notice is below:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in template_preprocess_front_slide_render() (line 111 of /home/pniweb/public_html/sites/all/modules/md_slider/templates/front/theme.front.inc).
The MD slider version is: 7.x-2.14
Can you let me know how to fix that?Thank you,

cindy's picture
Mon, 02/23/2015 - 23:47


Please update the latest version 2.16

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