Parallax Effect

Nowohier's picture
Mon, 02/23/2015 - 09:00
Parallax Effect

Hi all,

I have purchased the Chulan theme a few weeks ago and have a question regarding parallax:

I am trying to move the "Services"-View to one of the Parallas-Blocks in the theme. First I enable the Parallax-Background e.g. on the "Parallax Three"-Block and then I move the Services-View to that Block. Why can´t I see the content of the "Service"-View? I can see the header, but none of the services elements. The elements are there if I analyze with firebug, but they seem to be behind the background. Do I have to change the Z-Index somewhere in a CSS-file?

Thanks a lot for your answers!


cindy's picture
Mon, 02/23/2015 - 22:58


Which version of the theme are you using?

Please update the latest version on Theme Forest

Nowohier's picture
Tue, 02/24/2015 - 09:29


thank you for the quick answer. I was using the Version 2.1, but have upgraded now to Version 2.2. I still have the same problem: Moving the "Service"-View to the Parallax3-Section does not work correctly and the items don´t show up. Could you please help out? Is there a possibility to contact you via e-mail? Then I could send you an auto-login link to the site. Maybe that would help to find the error...

Thanks a lot in advance :-)

cindy's picture
Wed, 02/25/2015 - 04:42


Please contact us via [email protected]

(Please send us this forum link also)

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