
branram's picture
Wed, 02/11/2015 - 21:23

Can you tell me where to go to edit the way the portfolio hover works? When you hover over the image, it leaves a small section in the center where the image is still visible. It's a cool effect, but it makes reading the text on top of it a bit difficult so we'd rather the hover just be the full color box.

Also for that section, is it possible to remove the categories button? Will it just remove itself if we don't input any tags for the projects? We're actually planning to use this feature for something other than a portfolio, so it doesn't make sense.

cindy's picture
Thu, 02/12/2015 - 00:11


To change the hover effect of portfolio, please open file style.css, line 1441

.meta { ....}, 

then you add code: background: #fff; 
and in line 1431 

 #portfolio .portfolio-row .portfolio-mix .portfolio-item a { .... }

please remove the attribute : padding-bottom: 85px;

About the button, You just want to remove the Categories button only or remove all portfolio categories when clicking on the button? Cause if you deleta all (both button and portfolio categories, the portfolio can not be filtered)

If you want to remove all, please open file block--views--works-block.tpl.php. in folder: sites/all/themes/md_beige/template/blocks.

Find the following code and  re-comment :

<ul class="cat-list" id = "showhidetarget">
<li class="filter btn btn-outline-white active" data-filter="all"><i class="fa fa-th-large"></i> <?php print t('All'); ?></li>
<?php foreach($taxonomy_list_terms as $term) : ?>
<li class="filter btn btn-outline-white" data-filter="<?php print strtolower(str_replace(' ','-',$term->name)); ?>"><i class="fa fa-th-large"></i> <?php print $term->name;?></li>
<?php endforeach;?>

branram's picture
Thu, 02/12/2015 - 02:55

I actually just noticed that the issue with the hover isn't how it is meant to operate -- it only does this within Google Chrome. Is there a fix for this? The hover doesn't completely cover the image, so it looks odd.

Image title

For the portfolio section, I just want to have it not display the Categories button or anything. We're planning on using that section as an event features section where we'll drop in a different image of an event feature and let them click to display the full information. So with that use in mind, we don't need to sort them or have categories at all. We just want to display it as it is, but without Cateogories/tags.

cindy's picture
Thu, 02/12/2015 - 21:30

Hi, So please send us your site's url, admin account and FTP account to [email protected] (also this forum link)

We will check

branram's picture
Fri, 02/13/2015 - 04:50

Thank you, I just emailed it over to you.

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