internal server error when logged in as admin

kgeusens's picture
Sat, 01/17/2015 - 06:14
internal server error when logged in as admin

I purchased the official theme based on my good experience with md_slider, but so far I have a lot of issues to get this working.

* installed the demo version of "fashion"
* installation performed using the step - by - step instructions of you documentation and video

1. accessing the home page from the local server gives a blank page
2. accessing the home page from remote client works, but is slow.
3. when I log in as admin, the home page no longer works but gives me "500: internal server error". When I deactivate the "page builder" option in the demo page, the error goes away. When I activate the option, the error returns.

It is not possible to learn this theme without the examples, so please help.


cindy's picture
Sun, 01/18/2015 - 23:27


It is because page builder may makes your website under heavy load
We suggest you using panel to creat layout 

kgeusens's picture
Thu, 01/22/2015 - 12:00

Hi Cindy,

I increased the memory for PHP in the drupal settings file, that fixed the issue. Thanks for the hint!


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