I am getting a lot of errors when creating a view using MD Portfolio. I tried with the default pre-fab view, as well as creating my own using the absolute minimum fields. I am getting this error 1x PER item in the view results, so if there are 6 images, then the error popps up 6 times.
In the view preview, it all looks great... but on the rendered page, errors. Using latest version Drupal, Basic Bootstrap theme, and dummy content with basic modules installed.
Need to use custom content type:
Fields of interest- Main Image, Title, and YouTube Video link.
Goal: Use this module to display the Main Image with Title animation. Then on click lightbox opens with Video field.
Current Error: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$field_mdp_categories in template_preprocess_md_portfolio_mdp_plugin_rows() (line 354 of /srv/bindings/7c6aa46676ee47389b55b4c90df71909/code/sites/all/modules/md_portfolio/templates/mdp/theme.inc).
Any suggestions, help, assistance appreciated! Using latest version of MD Portfolio (shown as last updated 12/12/14 on themeforrest).
Thank you! -Cindy
Our module currently does not support video lightbox, only for image
Anyway, we send you an email
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