problem during loading slideshow

miroslav's picture
Thu, 02/21/2013 - 04:25
problem during loading slideshow


I have problem with slideshow (Featured, Editor`s pick). Everything works. The promlem is when slideshow are loading thumbnail. All pictures fills complete width of the main content window when script is running or cache update.

How to solve it.


[email protected]


Neo's picture
Thu, 02/21/2013 - 05:43


I'm not sure about your question. Can you provide some screenshot? And what's your current browser?

miroslav's picture
Fri, 02/22/2013 - 09:05


the screen tell more then words. Browser is Google v24

Neo's picture
Fri, 02/22/2013 - 23:23

It shows when site is loading or finished loading? Are you enable jquery_update module and config it runs jquery version 1.7?

miroslav's picture
Sun, 02/24/2013 - 16:12


it show whem site is loading. After finish everything is OK.

I use jquery 1.7.1

Neo's picture
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 21:14

I'll update in next version (this week)

jakeyeag's picture
Tue, 02/26/2013 - 12:44

I had a similar issue related to Editors pick. It was fixed when I loaded up the 'block' with enough articles. If there were too few (under 3 designated articles) the view/css rendered the thumbnails in a larger format. Once I had 5 articles loaded into the queue, no blotation.


Thanks! Hope this helps.

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