Drupal error in "theme.front.inc"

diegodelgadoh's picture
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 06:59
Drupal error in "theme.front.inc"

I have the following error:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object en template_preprocess_front_slide_render() (línea 85 de .../sites/all/modules/md_slider/templates/front/theme.front.inc).

First had a copy of the module through the purchase of the RockSmart Theme. When I make a new slider for my front page appears the error.
Believing that could be the version of the module, I purchased a new license of the module, but still gives the same herror.
I've also tried uninstalling the module and reinstalling, but it did not work.

What can it be?

diegodelgadoh's picture
Thu, 01/30/2014 - 18:23

Hello again.
I found that the error appears when I change the default background of a page of the slider.
It is very rare since the click [settings] to select the background or the type of animation, the screen goes dark and I can not select any options. Using Firebug achievement eliminate the div that prevents me interact and upload eg a background image. But I still have the same error on my homepage.

A someone else happens to you this error?
Thank you!

diegodelgadoh's picture
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 03:31

It is definitely a problem with the installation RokSmart theme.
I just try a clean install only with:

- Drupal
- cTools
- Media
- MD slider

And everything works fine.

I will continue investigating what the problem is.
Thanks anyway

cindy's picture
Mon, 02/03/2014 - 01:03

Thank you very much for your helpful feedback !

diegodelgadoh's picture
Mon, 02/03/2014 - 05:29

Just in case someone happens the same with fresh installation of Roksmart theme.
Simply deactivating and activating the jquery update module error in MD slider is solved.

tomgrant1310@gmail.com's picture
Wed, 10/08/2014 - 16:46

Getting this error:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in template_preprocess_front_slide_render() (line 86 of /var/www/html/***/sites/all/modules/contrib/md_slider/templates/front/theme.front.inc).

using version 7.x-2.14



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