Piecharts not showing bars on shortcodes

tjcham's picture
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 04:30
Piecharts not showing bars on shortcodes


I just noticed on my install the pie-chart green % bar is not showing on the short-codes page, but is showing on the home page. If I create a new page just with the pie-chart code the bars do not show (The numbers and layout is ok, it just the missing progress bar). Also this is completely untouched template folder from the demo install, however on your own demo it works fine on the short-codes page.
Any ideas?

tjcham's picture
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 06:12

Seems that the issue was caused when I removed the flickr id and changed the address for the Google map which created two
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token , for the javascript at bottom of html.tpl.php page for Google Maps and the Flickr widget.

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