Did you hear about the conflict between BigPipe and MegaSlider in FireFox if user is logged in?
Looks like in this browser this combination is not working and this is what usually is showen: https://screenshots.firefox.com/7rBFz5T5mK6JWknw/jango.debian.jk.sk
You may use this account Test123 / Test123! on https://nanicmamaweb2.smeonline.sk/ .
We have tested our module md_slider and bigpipe works fone on firefox without conflict
ou can check our md slider at https://shopify.awethemes.com/
User: test123
Pass: test123
So, you can send us your site url, admin account and FTP account
We will check and help you
Here is the test website: http://test.jk.sk/
You may log as admin / admin123!
and as logged in user you will see that in firefox the slider is not working.
We check but see no error on FF
Please see https://prnt.sc/ksjso6
Which version of MD Slider are you using? Is it the newest one? Did you use latest FF?
You need to be logged in to see the problem. The mega slider is latest version.
We check md-slider on firefox (logged in) and see no problem
You can check at site https://shopify.awethemes.com/ with username: test123 and password: test123
We see some error notice in your site (from your theme), you can send us your FTP account to check.
Our site: live site: drupal 8.6.1 http://prntscr.com/ktsott
local: drupal 8.4.2 http://prntscr.com/ktsrdw
Your site: http://prntscr.com/ktsp70
Looks like it's depended on the slider configurations. Here is example how to reproduce this bug:
Install minimal profile for Drupal 8.6.1
Enable modules: BigPipe, Image, Mega Slider (8.x-1.3) and Imce File Manager (8.x-1.6)
Import my test mega slider from http://download.jk.sk/md_slider_export_16_09_2018.zip
Clear all cache
Place slider block in Content region
Page looks like https://screenshots.firefox.com/tUkQGUAIl5a3aom2/test.jk.sk
Thanks! Looks like your version of md_slider have some changes which doesn't exist in the latest 1.3 version. We updated it and now it works also.