New module update (8.x)

khm's picture
Fri, 12/08/2017 - 04:44
New module update (8.x)


We last updated to  7.x-1.23, now i see there's an 8.x available but no 7.x (not even the latest).

Am I right to assume the new one is for Drupal 8 only? Or does it contain components for both 7.x and 8.x?

We will  begin implementation on production sometime early next year (on Drupal 7) . Just want to make sure we start with the latest version.


cindy's picture
Sun, 12/10/2017 - 21:33

Hi there,

We released 2 versions of Megamenu: for Drupal7 and for Drupal8

We have sent you the latest version of MD Megamenu via email

Please check

khm's picture
Mon, 12/11/2017 - 01:49

Thanks Cindy, received. 

Any info on what's been changed? 


cindy's picture
Mon, 12/11/2017 - 03:42


Update for Megamenu Drupal7:
+  fix error: not play animation
+ fix frontend:  css render
+ fix submenu: not show when animation is none

+ fix active menu

otorrents's picture
Sun, 12/31/2017 - 14:21


Is it possible to use the awe builder in content types and blocks?

I bought the awecontent builder module in the past and was very useful. 

cindy's picture
Mon, 01/01/2018 - 21:11


In version for Drupal 8, there are 2 modules: awe_field and awe_page. They all require module awe_builder. 

With module awe_field, you can add 1 awebuilder field into content type. 

Module awe_page is used to build static page. 

However, you purchased our megamenu, I will ask my boss if he agrees to sell module awe_field.

Note: module awe_builder is a basic core module, which can be applied for other modules

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