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how can i change icons to upoad certain images from local system?
attached screen shot
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
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Please upload your screenshot and send us the link to view
Thank you
why i cannot attach screen shot?
this is the link : http://megaco.ae/topoil/
what i am asking is, in certification and client area in home page instead of icons i need to upload images
At present, we can edit icons only cant upload images,, how to do??? plz help
Hello,, did you get a chance to look in to this matter???
This is extra setting
As deault, our module does not support this feature. However, this time we will customize for you
Please wait!
ok thank you... did you require admin details or ftp ...
After login to user area
when am trying to edit the content am gettiing the errors.. i just edited exisiting contents only
Fatal error: Call to undefined function entity_get_info() in /home/content/89/11311189/html/topoil/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity/includes/entity.inc on line 217
Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /home/content/89/11311189/html/topoil/includes/common.inc on line 8026
Did you update modules or core?
This error is generated from your core
I didnt make any changes in core.. this issue started after clearing cache... only when editting the profile pages this error occurs...
first error entity get info I solved by adding a patch in entity module I got it frm google...
second I cannot find out..
u.name: Besto
pwd: besto123
host name: megaco.ae
u.nme: megabmt
pwd: Mega432!!4
ftp: root/ topoil
plz help
Please, can you give some solution to fix this?
We fixed it already
Please check!
its not fixed,,, error still occurs... Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /home/content/89/11311189/html/topoil/includes/common.inc on line 8026
after login to admin area, and try to edit any content,, the above error occurs... plz find solution,, plzzzz
sometimes when editing contents,,, first two, three times it works,,, then it starts to show error,,, help please, it affects my job
did you get chance to look????
Cindy... why no response??? plz reply... I didnt update core or modules... I am really stuck..
We have check your website but see no error,
After login, click on CONTENT menu => click edit content (we did not change anything), => click save: we did not see any bug.
However, you are using PHP 5.3, you should update to version 5.6
dear friend... still there is error... can try to edit two three contents and save ... try to open protfolio pages and save...
reports: http://megaco.ae/topoil/admin/reports/dblog
did you find error... are you checking now... plzzz
Please check these screenshots
We do not see error
Please update to PHP 5.6
can you try to open four to five contents pages and save ... you can find error... am stuck in this...
may be first three .. four times when you edit content it will works... but after that this error occurs
attached screen shot ,,, afer login try to edit content from " http://megaco.ae/topoil/admin/content"
Please send your source code and database to email [email protected]
Our developer will directly support you
Thank you,,, i send ftp details & db
Please download new Entity module for Drupal 7 from Drupal.org: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity, then replace the old Entity module in your site by the new one and CLEAR CACHE of Drupal. There's something wrong with your Entity module. I guess it missed some files or you made any changes in it.
i downloaded and replaced old entity module... clear cache tooo
but when editing protfolio
in body am seeing error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function entity_get_info() in /home/content/89/11311189/html/topoil/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity/includes/entity.inc on line 217
when adding new portfolio content the same error occurs
Fatal error: Call to undefined function entity_get_info() in /home/content/89/11311189/html/topoil/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity/includes/entity.inc on line 217
in project area just need to show 8 images with more link only (before it was with quick tabs) if then can we get rid of error from portfolio contents
i am already running out of dead lines, plz help to solve
atlest can you help to fix !! forgt all other
certification and client area in home page instead of icons i need to upload images
At present, we can edit icons only cant upload images,, how to do???
you replay #6
As deault, our module does not support this feature. However, this time we will customize for you
Please wait!
Hi Besto,
Please download and install this https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArRPkgVQNPYZglAHkLo8KsqxG1na on your server to fix the error
and feedback us
Kind regards,
i downloaded and install the file
link: http://megaco.ae/topoil1 but there was section foe our services its missing but to bring it back .. you can refer old style at http://megaco.ae/topoil2
plz check
in home page under main slider our services was there how to bring it back??? link: megaco.ae/topoil1 this was the style before: megaco.ae/topoil2
info box is missing ......
We only updated Drupal core for you, we did not customize or change any section. You have to re-add it
or you can keep using the previous version in which there are no section missing but you will have to update Drupal Core
I UNDERSTOOD,,, BUT to re-add the srvice section the info box is missing
or in my older version can i update the drupal core ??? then how about images to add insted of icons,,, can we add those seprately in code
heloo... is it okey to proceed with previous version? if its okey can you insert the code for me??? in new version i added some images in client area but image is repeating,,,, i addded more clients logo but it shows two clients logo only... am waiting for your replay plllzz
hi,,, can you tell where all i needs to add codings for changing icons? urgrnet plzz
I dont understand what you meant "info box is missing"? Is this shortcode in this picture https://prnt.sc/hswjsu, right? If yes, please check your site again. I checked your site and it is still available.
And you want us to help you replace ICON by IMAGE for this shortcode, right? https://prnt.sc/hswkv0. Please confirm.
I dont understand what you meant "info box is missing"? Is this shortcode in this picture
**Site after updation: http://megaco.ae/topoil1
** Site Before Updation: http://megaco.ae/topoil2
after updating and installing new pacakge #37(one you said you updated core) here the link : http://megaco.ae/topoil1 info box and many other missing in object section .... attached screen shot (one you send is screen shot of site which i used before without updation... ie from: http://megaco.ae/topoil2 )
khoa,,, my question is if am not going to use the portfoilo content anymore,, is the error occur from that portfolio content only? or will it affect everywhere later ? can i proceed with site with before updation ?
And you want us to help you replace ICON by IMAGE for this shortcode, right? . Please confirm.
screen shot attached: marked with red ( 2 areas)
two areas icons to be change: our clients & certificate areas
#47: It seems that your installation (comment #37) has problem. Please check the screenshots below (we took those screenshots of your website on our local) https://prnt.sc/ht87gn
Please try to re-install the package in comment #37
#48: You can use ready Image Elements (we have made an example). You can upload image, after click => there will show popup. Please check https://prnt.sc/ht8a10
hai cindy
Thank you icons to images working fine!!!!
about the other issue (just aking to clear my doubt), if i continue with the old package without new core installation (#37) , and am not going to use portfolio content type, later did i need to face other issues or errors? because i saw the erros now only with portfoilo contents, so i just avoided it, and all other working fine now.. but later will i get errors?
We are not sure because in your old source, there is problem with module entity. If you do not update #37, there will be more errors with other content types, not only PORTFOLIO. The package #37 has no error, just because there is problem when installing so there are some blocks missing