I'm setting up a website using the MDST theme. I've already downloaded the newest version from my profile page, which fixed a coupke of problems I'Ve encountered. However, I'm unable to change the 4 menu icons on the upper, lower, left and right side of the screen. That is, if I change them in the Theme Menu, the changes are not saved, I still see the old icons. What can I do?
Thanks and best regards,
You can please change 4 icons in theme settings, Design -> 4 Sides Navigation.
Hi, yes that did not work. But due to a coupple of other problems I had to do a complete reinstall and now it's working. However, I have another problem:
Im the portfolio view, when the portfolio item has only 1 media item (e.g. 1 youtube video), the carousel will "cycle through" this one item anyway. how can I stop the carousel from cycling (fading in and out this 1 item) when only 1 media item is added?
Can you please send us some screenshots of your porfolio?
is there an email address I can send the screenshots to? Unfortunetely, it's not possible to upload screenshots here in the comments. The proceess does not finish on Safari and does not even start on Firefox.
The problem with the portfolio showing a slideshow even though there is only 1 media item already appears in the examples you provide with the theme, .e.g. "Our portfolio with youtube video". Also there, the slideshow will cycle through 1 youtube video and it is impossible to watch it.
You can please upload screenshots to https://prnt.sc/ then send us link.
Thank you.
Here you go:
Please backup then send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment. We would like to have a check.
Thank you.
Which content has problem?
it's the content-type "portfolio" which was provided with the theme. It contains a media field, which is displayed using owl-carousel. The proboem is, that the carousel cycles through also when there is just 1 media item, which makes watching youtube videos impossible and is very annoying when you have just 1 image uploaded and not a whole bunch of images that should be displayed as a slideshow.
Thanks for your help!
Can you please send us link of portfolio?
Here you go: http://markryan.de/?p=portfolio
We fixed. Check site please.
Thanks a lot! Can you tell me what you did to fix it or in which file so that I can preserve this fix in future updates etc.?
We fixed at file node--portfolio.tpl.php. You can please check.