MD Slider issues (8.x-1.0-beta5) (The same text but with images https://www.dropbox.com/s/8jhf22qa7xut2zq/MD%20Slider%20issues%281%29.do... )
After trying new installation: Unable to install Mega Slider, image.style.md_slider_thumb already exists in active configuration.
Not necessary: the module item not contain ‘Configure’ link (/admin/structure/md-slider) on module list page. There are only ‘Help’ and ‘Permissions’.
In my case ‘Open File Browser’ link can’t open File Browser window and shows messages Object not found! Error 404. That’s because my site root dir is not at the first level of domain folder. Click function (in mdslider.js) does not take into account the nesting of folders. It takes not full path to site root – only 1st level folder.
In md-slider-admin.css (line 114) too small input.form-text height (18px).
Proportion button has shifted.
Text elements displayed as plane text. And may be their css position settings are incorrect. Just check it out for yourself. Pay attention to the selected font - does it connect to text.
For your problems:
1, Before installation, please go to /admin/config/media/image-styles remove MD Slider Thumb
Drupal does not automatically remove it wwhen you uninstall module.
2, It seems that you went to /admin/modules instead of /admin/structure/md-slider
3, 4, 5, Fixed in updated file. Please email for update.
6, We do not support text with tag HTML, you can use existing options in slider editor to style text. There are already options for font, styles, color, ...
to down line, just "enter" in text field.
1. I think it's better to implement the hook_uninstall to remove the style
6. But a lot of our sliders have a complex HTML code inside the slide and this is not possible to add via the existing styles. Is it possible to enable the HTML? This is a really big problem, we are not able to migrate our slider from 7 to 8 version, because 7 version support HTML.
Check your email please.
We found more issues with mega slider:
Padding setting not works.
After adding a picture element and saving - to the screen shows the errors.
Please check the document for the screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jahc15q255keznx/MD%20Slider%20fixes%202.doc?dl=0
Check mail please.
Thank you.
Hello, Mega slider displays nothing after upgrading drupal to 8.6.13. The theme i used is probiz. I need your help please.
Hello Dagim
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