I am trying to upload a set of customized thumbnails for my slides. I've entered into the slide settings and have uploaded my customized thumbnail. However when I check my slides, it is not showing the customized thumbnail that I uploaded. It's showing the background image instead. When I go back to the slide settings, the customized thumbnail I uploaded earlier is not there any longer. Please advise.
Add customized thumbnail to slide
Customized thumbnail not displaying, instead the slide background is being displayed on thumbnail
Upon return to the slide settings, the customized thumbnail shows that it didn't save?
Please send us your site here so that we can take a look on your problem
The site I'm building is currently not publicly accessible. I will forward a URL once the site is published. Thanks.
The site is now accessible. Please take a look at http://www.simplexint.com/security
I've upgraded to the most recent version and that seems to have resolved the issue.
Ubun2Junky and Ludwigpossie, are you different people or just one person?
Anyway, you updated the latest version and your site works fine now?
If there is any problems, feel free to contact us