I tried to use md fullscreen slider, as it was included initially in FlawlesHotel theme. However, it was crashing all the time. As a result, I downloaded and installed the updated version.
Now, the problem is that responsive design doesn't work and I can't figure out how to configure the slider height dimension.
(I'm trying to attach a printscreen here but I think that doesn't work either)
Edit. This is a link to it: http://bookingcar.infoscope.gr/sites/default/files/field/image/md_fullscreen_slideshow.jpg
Please try to install theme again (install profile) then download and install following module https://www.dropbox.com/s/in4hiuetz9ab2ln/media_browser.zip?dl=0
Hi again,
I did as you suggested. Now, there is a never ending "loading" window when I enable the full slider slideshow.
This is the fifth time I install this theme. Each one, I had to: Disable md slider, download it and enable it again. Update all modules and core because they are very old. Uninstall and install full slider because default version doesn't work. Find missing libraries and install them so I don't have errors. And each time, after solving the previous problem, there is a new one arising.
I apologise for sounding cranky, but purchasing this theme was supposed to make my life easier and I haven't even managed to install it properly.
We can help you install profile theme again if you would like. Please send us your cPanel information by private comment.
Thank you.
Please send us:
+ phpMyadmin link, account.
+ FTP account (we often use cPanel because it is faster than FTP)
+ Website link
Thank you.
Hi there,
Can I delete all files and folder in /home/bookingcar/public_html?
And I cannot access to phpmyadmin page: http://bookingcar.infoscope.gr/phpmyadmin/index.php
It says: The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.
Khoa installed theme.
Please login with credential: admin/password.
Thank you.
I don't know what was not clear enough, so I'll repeat it.
I had no problem installing your theme in the first place.
My problem was that it's quite impossible to update drupal if your theme is installed.
Core cannot be updated unless I uninstall and re-install your md slider.
Also, there will be a few modules and libraries that are missing so I'll have to install them manually.
Md full slider will also crash so I'll have to update that manually, too.
After the update, full-slider will also mulfunction and I'll have to install media module.
Up to here, I've done it at least 3-4 times.
After all this procedure, home page won't work due to a never ending "Loading" modal.
Your installation just provided me another "first step", which I've done it many times without problems.
If you can't deliver me a fully updated and functional version of your theme, I am not able to use it due to bugs and security issues.
In this case, I am kindly requesting a refund (just the credits), because I cannot use a theme practically incompatible with latest version of drupal core and drupal modules.
Thank you.
(this message is not private, but I can edit it to private if you want me to)
If it is possibl, you can please deleate current database and create a new one then Khoa can help you re-install new theme in which Drupal core is updated.
We just tried to access /phpmyadmin/index.php to import database but got error "The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.". Can you please check again?
We installed theme with all drupal core and necessary modules updates and site works normally now.
Here is screenshot: http://prnt.sc/f1dc5t
With yellow highlight modules, it is no need to update because they are not related to security.
Credential: admin/password.
Seems ok now!
I'll try to update that modules too, I hope that nothing crushes.
Nop, unfortunately MD Slider still blocks full updates.
I've updated everything else, but I'd rather you update this module so we'll be sure nothing breaks again.
Thank you!
Latest version of MD Slider you can please download in your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/alout) and update.
And, always remember to backup database and source code before updating to avoid errors.
Update went well, everything seems to work nice now. Thank you