Home Page

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Wed, 03/15/2017 - 02:33
Home Page


I have been trying to edit the homepage but havent been able to do any of it. 

I would like to change the text on it, the small images on all 4 sides and the slider in the backgground.

Please reply to the earliest I have to finish the website in 3 days

Thank You

phuonght's picture
Wed, 03/15/2017 - 03:11


Please open documention enclosed to theme package. It will help you know how to edit theme. 

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Wed, 03/15/2017 - 03:33

I have read that document and tried modifying, but it just doesnt happen the way its shown in the demo.

From what I understand, I need to eidt the home block, which I havent been able to

phuonght's picture
Wed, 03/15/2017 - 04:31

Can you please send us your site admin account by private comment? We would like to have a check.

phuonght's picture
Thu, 03/16/2017 - 04:11

- To edit Block homepage, contact information, go to /admin/appearance/settings/md_mdst

- To edit blog or portfolio, go to /admin/content

- To go to admin: /admin

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Sat, 03/18/2017 - 10:40

Hey that solved most of my problems. But there is still one I'm facing. In appearances, under header, if i try adding an image, just a white screen appears.

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Sun, 03/19/2017 - 11:52

Could you please reply ASAP. I am getting the following error when I try to add an image to the slider

 Trying to get property of non-object in md_mdst_theme_settings_design() (line 1562 of /home/u590869540/public_html/sites/all/themes/md_mdst/inc/admin/theme-settings-design.inc).

khoa's picture
Mon, 03/20/2017 - 05:38


Please send your source code + database to [email protected]

I will check and reply to you soon.


sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Mon, 03/20/2017 - 09:25

I m sorry but i dont really know if I should be sending it since the admin can himself go and view my website with its details

phuonght's picture
Tue, 03/21/2017 - 03:33


Please do not worry, Khoa always works fast and safe. We also tested with theme package on Themeforest but could change header normally so we think there must be some problems in your code. You can please send your source code and database to his email. He will help you fix problem ASAP.

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Sun, 03/26/2017 - 10:10

OK sure!, I have sent him the details he will need.

Thanx a lot for helpin out

khoa's picture
Sun, 03/26/2017 - 10:30

Hi Sahil Harjai,

Please use this source code + database. It fixed your problem in previous comment.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ar7pdx9m61jeql/mdst.zip?dl=0


sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Tue, 03/28/2017 - 07:26

Hey Khoa,

I have uploaded the files as you mentioned but the entire website seems to have stopped working. I have mailed you the problem in detail. Could you please look into it.


sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Fri, 03/31/2017 - 08:19

Thanks a lot Khoa for helping me solve my problem. I can upload the images now but even then, the arrows that are supposed to appear on the bottom left of the team page, appear on the home page as well.

Along with that the text for the contact form on the contact page is appearing in white, and even though I tried editing the text color using css, it didnt work.

khoa's picture
Mon, 04/03/2017 - 04:23

Hi Sahil,

I have fixed the contact form issue. Please check it and let me know.


phuonght's picture
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 03:20

Hi Sahil,

Please go to /sites/all/themes/md_mdst/css/front/custom.css?ontr8g, replace

.webform-component input {
color: #000;


.webform-component input, .webform-component textarea {
color: #000;

sahil harjai's picture
sahil harjai
Wed, 04/05/2017 - 04:56


Also, if i create another web form, which I then display n another page, It replaces the one on the contact us page.

khoa's picture
Thu, 04/06/2017 - 23:54


Do you want to remove the existing contact form and replace it by new one?


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