Dynamic Values Parall

theriptorbull's picture
Tue, 07/15/2014 - 01:35
Dynamic Values Parall


I would like to have dynamic values for the parallax boxes. i tried entering a php line like as following,but it's throwing an error. This is the screenshot of the area where I would like to input a dynamic php script : https://monosnap.com/image/hWx4VnPoI6mHHdNHoUtC4o2VFC9DuZ

$first_number = 10;
$second_number = 20;
$sum_total = $first_number + $second_number;
print ($sum_total);

Pls Help!

cindy's picture
Thu, 07/17/2014 - 06:11

What type of dynamic values do you want to add?
because Skill type parallax needs to be set up from the beginning

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