Is it possible to responsive Home slider image such as about page slider , because on tablets the image cropped
This is the home slider on desktop
and here is the image on tablet
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but on "about page" the image isnt cropped
and on tablet
I want to appear my home page slider such as about slider
Slider in homepage is Fullscreen Slider so images can not be scaled and cropped. If you would like it to display as slider About so you must change to Fullwidth and use module MD SLIDER instead.
Ok thanks.
Can you tell me how to change it to fullwidth and where to find module MD SLIDER ?
You can please use module Mega Slider from your Orenmode theme.
i use the Mega Slider module from Orenmode theme but i have a problem with check avaliability search because hidden when the desktop screen resolution is over the 1199 px width.
My site is http://www.psammos.gr/
ok i fix iti myself