Endless "waiting animation"

schuetze's picture
Tue, 03/21/2017 - 05:08
Endless "waiting animation"

I can't edit the mega menu in my site anymore. If I click on the small pencil icon of a menu item, the popup dialogue comes up, but the waiting animation never ends ... In the developer console of Chrome, the following error is shown:


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'essential' of undefined

    at Object.essentialItems (js_-AeHBfL_CsrUX7RhGOLDiwDv5t7BzxiAfeWcXFXtyq0.js:301)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (js_-AeHBfL_CsrUX7RhGOLDiwDv5t7BzxiAfeWcXFXtyq0.js:189)
    at HTMLDocument.Ka (js_Xjzh1hVfcgVAixhmmB6Go8TUMPOiprA-2vkC-oWXARQ.js:19)
    at HTMLDocument.handle (js_Xjzh1hVfcgVAixhmmB6Go8TUMPOiprA-2vkC-oWXARQ.js:64)
    at HTMLDocument.o (js_Xjzh1hVfcgVAixhmmB6Go8TUMPOiprA-2vkC-oWXARQ.js:57)

This line is in file "md.menu-item.js" (line 177):
$.post(Drupal.settings.mdMenu.essential, data ,function(html) {

Could it be, that the new dev version that you have sent me some weeks ago, has a bug? Is "essential" missing?


phuonght's picture
Tue, 03/21/2017 - 06:24


Please check your mailbox.

Thank you.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 03/21/2017 - 22:59

Image title

Please note that, you need to uncheck "Aggregate JavaScript files" to find js errors in files, then you can check as below:

Image title

Problem comes from overlay-child.js. You can please deactive module overlay or contact module author for support.

schuetze's picture
Wed, 03/22/2017 - 07:01

The mentioned JavaScript file is a core Drupal file: "\modules\overlay\overlay-child.js". Why should I deactive module overlay for configuring MegaMenu? All administration in Drupal is done with overlays without any problem ... I think, this could be a problem with building the URL (see the comment of the JS function: "By default, forms are assumed to keep the flow in the overlay. Thus their action attribute get a ?render=overlay suffix."

Another user had the same problem - see http://megadrupal.com/comment/12914 . What solution have you found for him?


phuonght's picture
Thu, 03/23/2017 - 00:14

Normally we do not support problem that comes from other modules. However, our developer found a solution for you:

Below code is in module overlay:

Drupal.overlayChild.behaviors.parseForms = function (context, settings) {
$('form', context).once('overlay', function () {
// Obtain the action attribute of the form.
var action = $(this).attr('action');
// Keep internal forms in the overlay.
if (action == undefined || (action.indexOf('http') != 0 && action.indexOf('https') != 0)) {
action += (action.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'render=overlay';
$(this).attr('action', action);
// Submit external forms into a new window.
else {
$(this).attr('target', '_new');

you can see action=undifined, so action.index0f does not run. So we must fix by adding new function in megamenu to make overlay work

<form id="form-mnuitemseting" action="">

Please check your site.

schuetze's picture
Thu, 03/23/2017 - 02:31

Many thanks. It's working now. Great support!!!

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