Hello is it possible to use the picture module (field api with imagecache) for the serving of pictures so that they are not just responsive (resizing with javascript) but it will serve another smaller image (filesize)?
Fri, 07/11/2014 - 01:34
Could you clarify your question? We're rather confused about it
I want to use the slider with the picture module (https://www.drupal.org/project/picture) that can be activated as a field formatter. The picture module will service a bigger picture to big and small picture to small devices and will use less bandwidth on mobile devices for that reason.
If you need more information please me know that
We see your point. We will check this module and feedback you as soon as possible,
Is progress with this question? I'm interested to because I use picture module on my site and would be nice to have possibility to load smaller images on smal devices with MD Slider.
Thank you for all your concern
However, we have not intented to support this module yet