when I am trying to Edit the Slider, for example, [MD] Header 13, I get an empty white Page.
The URL looks like this http://domain.de/?q=admin/structure/fullscreen-slider/11/edit
Configure and anything else works fine, its just the Edit-Page from MD FullScreen Sliders.
Additionally there is no Errormessage in the Recent log messages.
Thanks for your help
Have you updated module media to latest version? Which version of fullscreen slider you are using in site?
Thanks for the fast reply, I didnt notice that.
It's all up to date but the MD Slider, when I try to update it I get:
"Downloading updates failed:
Failed to download md_slider from #"
Please try to download md slider from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/abcthomas).
Thanks for the fast reply. I downloaded the Files and looked up an instruction but there is no "MD Slider" or "Slider" folder in the modules section.
Where do I have to past the content? Thanks for your help :)
Found it :)
And works, thanks for the support