I can't really tell why, but the "VIEW: MD PORTFOLIO: BLOCK AJAX " Block only works on the front page because when you click on the items it opens up to a url path on <base url/subpath>+<#/ajax-project/[nid]> All works well on the front page because the url ends up being <base url/>+<#/ajax-project/[nid]>. Any way to make this block work on other pages besides front page?
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; color: #323333; -webkit-text-stroke: #323333; background-color: #f8f8f8}span.s1 {font-kerning: none}
Hello anyone around?
Hi there,
Did you mean the VIEW: MD PORTFOLIO: BLOCK AJAX on the HOME page? Please give me the custom page(not home page) that you added the PORTFOLIO block into it.
Yes thats the block, however nothing is wrong with that block, just the page that its items link to. It all goes to a URL with "#/ajax-project/[nid]" I needed to move that Block (#/ajax-project/44) to a different page, but the url appeands "#/jax-project/[nid]" to the different page. for example I have a page called services. it will come out "services#/ajax-project/[nid], but that URL goes to 404 page error. (please ignore odd capitalizations, don't know where this is coming from).
Please give me your FTP and Website account. I need to jump into your sever and make some changes on code. Please set your info in private mode and don't forget to make a backup of source code + database before sending me that info.
Hi there,
I do not use SSH. You can send me your database+ source code to [email protected]. I'll fix then send them back to you. Or I'll fix on the fresh install package from Themeforest. Please let me know your choice.
Please check your website. I fixed.