I have gathered the main issues found on the theme:
1. The price on the products list from the views, always indicate 0.
2. The Language menu doesn't work.
3. In a blog category page, the image doesn't display.
4. The Whishlist block has a link at node/39, but this node doesn't exist.
5. How can i add a video on a product page, below the gallery?
6. I have sub-categories (children taxonomies) and i want to have a page for each one. But the clone view has different results from the original.
7. I created a contact form but it doesn't have the same look as the demo.
8. In a blog post the title is missing.
9. In the theme settings the browse button for the logo does't work. I had to change the logo by changing the original file.
10.How can i change the logo's size?
11.The categories slider does't work.
12.We would like to be able to search SKU products codes in the search, which doesn't seem feasible.
13.The Products grid doesn't display as a grid, but as a list.
14.There are a lot of warnings, such as "Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in md_delphinus_preprocess_html() (line 47 of /home/emma/public_html/staging_sites/staging.rockwell.gr/sites/all/themes/md_delphinus/inc/front/html.preprocess.inc)."
You can please try to install theme profile (your site will be similar to demo) so your problems above will be solved and save time. We only recommend to install theme manually with data exiting drupal site and users must have experience in coding drupal.
Please send us your FTP account also.
Thank you.
+ Product price is 0 on the results from views => Fixed Already
+ Links at product slider aren't correct (Results are Page not found) => Fixed already
+ Blog title is missing from a blog post: Please send us the screenshot of this problem
+ Browse button for logo/shortcut upload isn't working: Please revert module media to version beta 1: https://www.drupal.org/project/media/releases/7.x-2.0-beta1
And please explain more about the following issues. Which content type/node that you added those fields? Where do you want it to display? (You have to add one file template of the theme)
+ I added weight and dimensions fields in product but doesn't display.
+ I added a video field but doesn't display.
+ I added a brand (taxonomy reference ) field but doesn't display.
+ Taxonomy term's page doesn't have the same output as the other products pages.
+ A blog category page is displaying only the title of the blog, not image, teaser.
Hi Liakoni,
1. Blog title is missing from a blog post :
=> By default, this theme does not show up the blog title. Please see the our demo: http://demo.megadrupal.com/d7/md-delphinus/node/12. However, you can show the title of blog by go to node--news.tpl.php file(/sites/all/themes/md_delphinus/templates/nodes) and add this code
<?php print $node->title; ?>
at any place you want.
2. A blog category page is displaying only the title of the blog, not image, teaser, for example in blog category
=> I have fixed
3. In a product category, for example "Barbecue tools", i get this page
=> Done
4. Is it possible to have a "Wishlist" link and "Compare" link beside "My Cart" in header?
=> You can add those links in header_1.tpl.php file(/sites/all/modules/custom/md_theme/templates).
5. How can i change the "LASTEST Product" in a product page?
=> Sorry but can you please give me a screenshot for this question
6. Video - I want it to be displayed below the photo gallery.
=> I have added video into your product detail. Please see: http://dev.rockwell.gr/node/69
7. Weight and Dimensions - I want to be displayed below Features and Materials
=> What is the Dimensions field?
8. Brand (taxonomy reference) - I want to be displayes before Features and Materials (on top)
=> I have added them in the product detail. Please check: http://dev.rockwell.gr/node/69
Any help, about how to change block "LASTEST Product" in a product page? https://goo.gl/IrThDC ?
Also, I have add Dimensions and Weight filed in product type (Commerce). When i create a product (content type), in product ref I fill-in these fields, but doesn't show anywhere. I want to be displayed under features and materials.
Hi there,
1. In a product page there is a block "LASTEST Product"
=> Please make a backup of your site then let me know. I'll help you. This task needs to customize your code + configuration
2. I have add Dimensions and Weight filed in product type (Commerce)
=> Please don't add to product commerce. Add that field in admin/structure/types/manage/product/fields. Then let me know
Hi there,
I have fixed "Latest Products" as you wish. Please check it.